Charcoal kiln UMT 5v1 is an enlarged version of UMT 5. It consists of a charcoal kiln and two drying chambers, into the furnaces of which the excess pyrolysis gas released during the pyrolysis of...
Углевыжигательная печь «УМТ-5» - новинка в серии наших установок.
Она отличается наличием 2 сушильных камер, в которых подготовленная древесина проходит процесс предварительной сушки, что...
Packaging line with feed conveyor belt
productivity 1500 kg/hour
band conveyer
charging hopper
packing unit with two nozzles and table adjustable in height
electronic scales - 2 pieces...
The charcoal kiln “Farmer Standard Plus-K» is an analogue of «Farmer Standard Plus Auto» with small additions.
It has a built-in water heating boiler which produces more than 200 kW of water...
The charcoal kiln “Farmer Standard Plus Auto” is designed for small farmings. Productivity – till 20 tons per month. Mode of operation is continuous. Heating wood - pyrolysis.
Its advantage before...
The main difference between "UMT 3 PLUS EcoTeploOtbor" from other UMT models is the presence of a boiler for burning pyrolysis gas, with a capacity of 400-600 kW.
Charcoal furnace "UMT 3 PLUS...
The charcoal kiln “UMT-3 PLUS AUTO” has all the unique qualities installations series "UMT". But in this model we have provided not only enhanced constructive protection from the so-called "human...